Strengthening Policing Through Information Governance

30 / 04 / 24

Law enforcement agencies operate in a digital environment where information flows relentlessly. The key challenge is effectively managing this torrent of data while ensuring compliance, transparency, and preparing for potential legal actions for litigation. In-Form Consult and Pagefreezer have joined partnered to deliver tailored solutions that address the unique to the needs of police forces across the UK.

The Challenge

Police departments face increasing pressure to remain transparent, comply with open records laws, and swiftly respond to legal inquiries. As social media platforms become essential for communication, it is crucial to monitor, archive, and analyse online interactions effectively.

The Solution

In-Form Consult and Pagefreezer offer cutting-edge tools to meet these challenges head-on.

Monitoring and Archive

Pagefreezer’s real-time monitoring and archiving solutions enable law enforcement agencies to systematically capture and preserve every interaction on social media platforms, ensuring compliance with communication policies and open records laws. 

Sentiment Analysis: 

With advanced sentiment analysis capabilities, agencies can prioritise negative comments for immediate attention, thereby streamlining the moderation process and enhancing community engagement. 

Legal Readiness

Pagefreezer’s comprehensive archiving system supports eDiscovery and litigation readiness by providing a central repository of archived data, authenticated with digital signatures and timestamps. 

Case Study: Fort Worth Police Department 

The Fort Worth police department has adopted Pagefreezer’s automated social media archiving solutions, moving away from manual processes. This transition has not only streamlined their operations, but also ensured that they are well equipped to substantiate knowing that the decision made on social media platforms with robust evidence. 

In-Form Consult and Pagefreezer enable police forces to adeptly navigate the complexities of information governance with confidence. By providing effective tools for monitoring, archiving, and analysing online data, these partnerships enhance transparency, ensure compliance, and foster community trust.

Stay tuned for our next blog, where we’ll explore how our partnership supports the education sector in the UK.