The digital era presents both opportunities and challenges for public sector organisations. Perhaps it’s no wonder that a new iteration of the UK Government’s Digital Outcomes and Specialists Framework – DOS3 – has recently been launched. In-Form Consult are excited to announce they have been approved as a supplier in 2 lots within this new, dynamic, framework.
What is DOS3?
The framework, which sits alongside other Crown Commercial Services frameworks such as G-Cloud, is designed to help the public sector organisations buy specialist resources that could help them design, build and deliver digital outcomes using an agile approach. Put simply, it’s a marketplace of approved skilled businesses who meet a range of requirements and can help fast track digital transformation projects and the myriad of business benefits associated with them.
The framework is divided into 4 different lots or areas of specialism of which In-Form Consult (IFC) are approved in both the Digital Outcomes (building and supporting a digital service) and Digital Specialists (provide individual specialist for a digital service or programme) categories.
What services can be exploited through the framework?
Within the Digital Outcomes lot, organisations can work with suppliers like IFC to buy services including design, performance analysis and data, service delivery, software development, testing and auditing and more. To achieve approval in this category, IFC had to demonstrate compliance with the technology code of practice, show that we work according to the government service design manual and validate that we fully understand what it means to work on a discovery, alpha, beta, live or retirement phase. Through the Digital Specialist lot, we can also provide individual specialists from within our existing team to work on a service, programme or project to augment internal resources as required.
What benefits can you expect?
The new framework can deliver several benefits to public sector organisations looking to procure digital and cloud services.
Firstly, it will make the commissioning process simpler, cleaer and faster. That means for many organisations the time and cost typically associated with services procurement will be reduced.
Furthermore, the new framework will facilitate a swifter connection of buyers and best-fit suppliers. Not only will procuring organisations have confidence in the credibility of the supplier they engage with, it will also speed up that process to establish a good cultural fit between both organisations.
And perhaps most importantly, it will open the potential for wider digital transformation within public sector bodies and enable them to start laying the track towards goals that previously felt unobtainable.
Realising your vision
If you would like to find out more about how IFC can help you drive digital outcomes in your organisation, get in touch. We have worked with many government and public health organisations to help them uncover, manage and exploit their information to innovate, reduce costs, minimise risk and use fresh insights to transform services.